Meeting:Committee (2021-07-19)

Committee (2021-07-19)
Normal monthly Committee meeting. Committee members and observers only.

Region: National
Location: Online (Zoom)

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Wiki Wednesdays
14 July 2021
Meeting:2021 AGM
8 August 2021

Committee meeting

19 July 2021

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).


Date: Monday 19 July 2021
Time / time zone: 5pm AWST / 7pm AEST
Meeting channel: Zoom


Attendees: Sam, Tom, Alex, Amanda (and Caddie)
Apologies: Pru
Leave of absence: Jacinta
Absent: Steven

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

Moved: Alex
Seconded: Sam


Matters for decision

ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below

Decision Register - Sam

Sam Wilson has developed an automated decision register to use (instead of a shared Google Sheets document). It would require a change to these agenda minutes in order to automatically update the decision register (Sam to demonstrate).

Decision: That WMAU adopt the automated Decision Register and agenda restructure.
Moved: Tom; seconded: Alex; outcome:

MOTION: That WMAU adopt the new automated decision register Moved: Sam Seconded: Alex Accepted

Action: Sam to implement and Caddie to add to future minutes. Sam will also demonstrate a possible ‘action’ template.
Assigned to Samwilson.

New Website skin - Sam and Caddie

In order to modernise the WMAU website, Sam and Caddie have been developing a new skin for the WMAU website. It is ready for public launch. (Sam to demonstrate). Content redevelopment is still underway. phab:T283304.

Decision: That WMAU make the newly developed website skin public.
Moved: Alex; seconded: Tom; outcome: Accepted
Action: Caddie and James to continue to work on content redevelopment.
Assigned to Caddiebrain.

Communications Plan Amendments - Caddie

Last committee meeting Tom requested the development of a Crisis Communications Plan. It has now been drafted as an appendix of the current communications plan. Kerry Raymond has also recommended two changes to our communications strategy drafted here (see comments): The inclusion of business cards for committee and/or facilitator upon request Profiles of facilitators on the WMAU website.

Decision: That WMAU adopt the Crisis Communications Plan drafted as Appendix 3 of the Communications Strategy and the above amendments suggested by Kerry.
Moved: [[User:|]]; seconded: [[User:|]]; outcome: deferred for new committee

APG Final Report - Pru and Caddie

A draft for the 2020-21 Simple APG final report due on 30 July has been drafted at the following link. Pru will update the financial details.

Decision: That WMAU accept and submit the final report
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Alex; outcome:
Action: Caddie and Pru to upload and submit by 30 July.
Assigned to Caddiebrain.

Financial Approvals - Pru

Decision: * Financial audit and BAS lodgement support (moved by email, 15 July 2021) $556.60
  • Executive Officer monthly invoice: $3900 (larger due to five week reporting period)
    Moved: Tom; seconded: Alex; outcome:

Key Matters for Discussion

Branding Suite - Caddie

Ramen has provided a number of options for a letterhead/report template and logo suite. Recommended changes made via email include: Adopt the official brand colours (and update brand guidelines) Ask about colour bar with printing on report cover Powerpoint presentation: remove copyright on introduction slide Final contact slide for presentation Report title page - option A Date only, not “created by” Change copyright acknowledgment to CC BY-SA Use circle but not full text logo on internal report pages Report title page: Author in green add digital location on title page add digital location and CC BY-SA

Action: Caddie to update the above changes and circulate
Assigned to Caddiebrain.

Committee transition - Tom

  • Notifications - needed for officer change details - CAV/Banks/etc
Action: Tom to follow up

Motions for Noting

  • Email determinations currently recorded on Google Drive and in Decision Register:

Preference not to use Google for recording information. Rather to create a table on the minutes document and on for Actions and Decisions. If they come from an email the decision will be recorded on the table and in the minutes.

Action: Sam and Caddie to test out options for formatting new recording system
Assigned to Samwilson.

Pending actions from previous meeting

Action: Caddie coordinate development of a brief for a Census Tool (2 - 4 weeks work) - even a slide pack mocking up what we think it might look like.
Assigned to Caddiebrain.

ACTION DONE - Published to Comm Wiki and Public website

  • Sunday 24 July 2021 - Nominations Open for committee members.
  • Saturday 31 July 2021 11:59pm AEST - Nominations close (10pm AWST, 11:30pm ACST).
Action: Caddie to work on Facilitators document and present at next meeting
Assigned to Caddiebrain.


Community Support and Outreach Coordinator report


Wiki Loves Earth Press Release:

Social media report

Twitter: June - 27 tweets / 5415 profile visits / 41.9K impressions / 28 mentions / 20 new followers May - 64 tweets / 5415 profile visits / 92.1K impressions / 51 mentions / 33 new followers April - 33 tweets / 4270 profile visits / 27.1K impressions / 54 mentions / 35 new followers

Facebook: June - 11 posts / 786 reach / 45 engagements / 36 post clicks / no new followers May - 10 posts / 1060 reach / 35 engagements / 36 post clicks / -1 new followers April - 22 posts / 129 engagements / 87 post clicks / 2179 reach / 5 new followers

Meetings summary

July Community Meeting Annette - City of Sydney Mike Dickison- GLAM Modules Patrick Moriarty - Strategic Planning Weekly meetings - James Gaunt

President's report

  • Wikimania WMAU affiliate session proposal

Session submitted and accepted Presentation 7.00-8.30am UTC (5.00 - 6.30pm AEST) Monday 16 August UWA Archaeology project (Sven Ouzman, Emily Grey, Emilie Dotte, Leia Corrie) Census updates (Alex Lum) Lessons from Wiki Loves Earth (Margaret Donald) (Nathan Sentance & Kirsten Thorpe) - Caddie to approach this week

Feedback and then submit

Movement Strategy
Global Conversations meetings

Secretary's report

Reports from funded projects


  • Australian National University edit-a-thon proposal - Caddie to respond

Treasurer's report

Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting

Profit & Loss Statement 21 June - 18 July 2021

  • Current Account balances as of 18 July 2021
   **Westpac: $ 139,590.52
   **CC:   $ 3,905.04
   ** PayPal: $ 551.59
  • Income: $76,343.58 Simple APG 2021-22; $535.10 in donations, $27.23 memberships
  • Expenses $27.61 website hosting, $12.62 Bank fees (international transfer) $8.57 Paypal fees, $553.27 Accounting costs, $3000 GLAM online modules; $1800 Internship development
  • Simple APG 2021-22 Granted and signed 21 June 2021 AUD$86,355.23 less underspend 2020-21
  • Membership report

In this period: 1 renewed, 1 unsubscribed (no reason given), 3 new members (NSW x 2, NT) Concerning: 20 outstanding membership renewals to be followed up

Decision: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted.
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Tom; outcome:

Technical report

  • phab:T283304 Release new WMAU skin to all users
  • phab:T284896 Add 'link' param to {{PAGEBANNER}} to change target
  • phab:T210363 Remove spam from noongarwp wiki
    • Does anyone care about this? Do we want to keep these two wikis?
  • phab:T285172 Allow wiki files to be used as menu icons
  • Might move WMAU website to the Australian data centre, might not be much difference but may be a bit quicker.


Global activities

  • Brand Network - Alex

Brand project has been shelved, and will be replaced by a community-based model. Details to follow.

  • SWAN (Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network)

  • Etherpad notes from June meeting: Next meeting: TBD (July)

  • WIkiCite / Wikibase / Koha connections - possible area of investigation for major project/partnership with Catalyst and NZ User Group
Pru to initiate meeting

National activities

  • Noongarpedia: Nyungar spoken words on video
Wikidata and GLAMs outreach proposal progress update

Draft Matrix, Candidate Collection Preparation Checklists and Wikidata value proposition documents published as Wikidata: Engagement with Australian GLAMs

Pru to ask Rebecca to present on the project and meeting at a Community meeting.
History of Paralympics Project
Pru to follow up with Tony and get Tony to present - Still in progress
Open Access Australasia - join Alliance to reach a broader audience. DONE
Trove infrastructure
Invite a Trove rep to speak at a Community meeting about Trove API, Australian Library Gateway and/or Partner IDs Wikidata project
Australian Women’s Register

Presentation at November Community meeting - Report required


Local activities


Safe Spaces Policy Review

UCoC policy has been approved by the WMF Board of Trustees, currently in Phase 2 - community conversations and approval.

Watching brief to review this when the WMF Global Code of Conduct is determined.
Outreach to Public Relations Institute of Australia - raised at Community meeting

To increase understanding in the sector about Wikipedia’s policies Summarise COI rules and user name policy - ‘handy hints to preserve your reputation’ Is this a top 3 problem for us in Australian content? What positive message/advice can we give?

Steve will look at drafting this and Caddie will review - not urgent
Survey - review members’ responses

Consider focus groups also - especially for new/inactive members.

Next committee to follow up and organise banner ad
legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page: Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting

Meeting close: 9pm AEST

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